Preparing for summer fun? Then you might be breaking out the grill again! With the weather warming up, grilling season is approaching fast and, boy, are we ready! If your grill has been in storage all winter, you may be pulling it out to find it’s a bit dirty. You’re not the only one who sometimes puts the grill away with a bit of a mess left on it. Even after a good scrub with a wire grill brush, the grill will still look a bit grimy without a deep clean. So, how would you go about doing a deep clean for a grill?
How to Deep Clean a Grill
There are a lot of steps to deep cleaning a grill, so we’ll simplify.
Cleaning the Grates
The first step to deep clean a grill is cleaning the grates. There’s a fun hack you can use, as recommended by Family Handyman, using coffee! Simply pour a couple pots of coffee into a shallow basin and let your grates soak in it for an hour. The acidity in the coffee breaks down all of the buildup on your grates easily. Then, you just need to rinse and scrub them with some soap and water in the sink. The scrubbing is much easier after the acidity has weakened and loosened the cooked-on gunk.
If you don’t keep coffee on hand, you can also clean and degrease the grates by scrubbing them with a solution made of 4 parts water, 1 part dish soap. However, without that presoak, it will take a bit more elbow grease.
Cleaning the Exterior
The exterior is much easier to clean than the grates… usually. It’s easy to miss the grime on your grill’s exterior when putting it away for the winter. After all, you’ve grown used to looking at it. However, when you pull your grill out for the spring, you might be surprised to find it’s not as shiny and clean as you remember.
Washing the exterior of your grill should generally be done with soap and water, especially if it’s painted. Just remember, don’t use anything abrasive on your grill’s painted exterior. Use a soft sponge without any netting or scrubbing surface on it. Otherwise, you can easily scratch or chip your paint and lead to rusting.
Cleaning the guts
The interior components of a gas grill can be very complicated to clean without damaging them. Certain parts aren’t too pleased with liquid getting in or on them. Plus, there’s the matter of safety and knowing which cleaners are okay to use. If you must clean it yourself, be sure to disconnect the gas first and wear gloves. Then, find a suitable cleaning solution for use with the components more directly associated with gas and fire.
Professional Grill Cleaning Services
Don’t want to deep clean your grill all by yourself? Most people don’t. It’s hard, dirty work, and it doesn’t smell very nice either. Get some assistance from Ashton BBQ Pros and you’ll have a clean grill in no time. Call us if you have questions about our services or scheduling.