When a grill gets old, it can begin to rust, break down, and stop working. The instinctual response to this kind of deterioration might be to just buy a new grill. However, a grill is a simple piece of equipment. Most of it is just a big hunk of metal. Therefore, save yourself a lot of money and invest in repair. Here’s why you should repair an old grill instead of replacing it.
Grill Costs Are Inflated
One of the main reasons why it’s more economical to repair a grill than to replace it is that grill prices are much higher than the cost of the materials they’re made from. So, once you have one, you’ve already paid your dues getting the bones of your grill. It’s much cheaper to do maintenance on it by replacing broken parts and sprucing up the appearance than shelling out for an all new one.
Grills Are Simple to Repair
When it comes down to it, a grill is mostly the metal frame that holds a few key pieces of equipment. If your grill is looking worse for wear, 90% of changing that is giving the metal frame a tune-up. Removing rust, recoating the metal, and ensuring the parts housed in that metal body are still working properly.
Make Your Grill Beautiful Again
If your grill is looking pretty unsightly, it’s time to call Ashton BBQ Pros. We can do a complete refurbishment of your grill and bring it back to looking like new. Our full-service refurbishment cleaning means bringing your grill back to life entirely. We remove 85%-95% of dirt, grease, and carbon buildup from your grill. This is a large part of what hurts the appearance of an old grill.
Additionally, we paint your grill. All of those parts of your grill’s exterior that used to be shiny and beautiful can look that way again. Chipping paint, grime, and rust can really ruin the grill exterior’s appearance. Giving it a new coating of paint can do a lot to revitalize it.
Furthermore, we polish your grill. Polishing your grill will bring out the shine in all of the metal parts, making it look like new again, even on the inside.
Repair an Old Grill in Toronto
While the appearance of a grill is an important part of feeling like it’s doing alright, the actual guts of the grill are even more important. Our full-service refurbishment includes an inspection. If there are parts that aren’t working properly, we’ll repair or replace them. Because servicing grills is our whole job here at Ashton BBQ Pros, we have parts for most major grill types and brands. Therefore, our repair services are quick and efficient.
Give us a call today if you have questions about our grill repair and cleaning services. We look forward to working with you and getting your grill back in shape.