Are you ready for a delicious Thanksgiving? This year grill up a feast with these awesome Thanksgiving sides. Whether you enjoy grilling steak or a spatchcocked turkey, try one of these incredible sides for an extra scrumptious meal!
Grilled Mexican Corn
Nothing tastes quite like delicious grilled Mexican corn. Take fresh corn and dip it in a butter bath of milk, butter, salt, and chili seasoning. After grilling apply a generous amount of parmesan cheese. A perfect addition to grilling steak, a big ham, or Thanksgiving turkey this year!
Super Easy Sweet Yams
Slice sweet potatoes into thin discs. Cover liberally with pepper and salt. Grill for about ten minutes until they are soft. Flip the potatoes for the nice charcoal lines. Add fresh parsley and serve.
Grilled Broccoli and Leek Salad
Chop a large amount of fresh broccoli into a veggie friendly grill pan. Try the rectangular pans with holes meant for lightly grilling vegetables and fish. Slice up one large leek. Combine the two vegetables. Add olive oil, salt, and pepper. Grill about fifteen minutes, until vegetables are charred. Add in fresh cilantro and parsley. Toss and serve.
Grilled Squash, Red Onion, and Feta Cheese Salad
Chop fresh yellow squash, red onions, and cauliflower. Add olive oil. Toss with salt and pepper to taste. Grill for about ten minutes until vegetables are charred. Remove from grill. Add feta cheese and toss. Serve warm.
Charred Leeks
Grill this vegetable favorite quickly. Take several large leeks and slice. Toss with butter and pepper. Grill until they have a deeply charred look. Toss with vinegar and a touch of honey. Serve.
Grilled Carrots with Red Onion
Add this delicious side to your Thanksgiving feast. Carrots compliment ham, turkey, and more. Clean large fresh carrots. Slice off tops. Slice red onion. Toss together and grill for about ten minutes. You only want the carrots slightly charred for this recipe. Serve with Ranch dressing or topped with olive oil and pepper.
This Thanksgiving enjoy the delicious taste of grilled sides with your feast. Enjoy making wonderful memories with families and friends and eating mouth-watering good food!